Thursday, May 10, 2007

My Opportunities and Career Interests

Although all paths lead to finance, it is no secret that i am interested in Advertising. I plan to explore the advertising world. Now that I have information from interviewees, information from big companies and information from my "Management for the Myspace Generation" Class, it is time to gather my own personal information based on my experiences. I plan to go out there and look for a job in the advertising field. I will have to start out as an intern, but a summer part-time job in an advertising firm would be ideal. All of the information that I gathered from all the sources in thie project should definately help me out. Wish me luck!

Changes occuring in Online Advertising

The Advertising industry has changed so much within that past few years. The most effective form of advertising was once on paper and on billboards. It is now on the net. Online advertising is growing in popularity for many businesses who choose promote their products and services on the internet. With so much of the world's population looking to the internet for news and information, it is no wonder that businesses are choosing to advertise online. It is cost effective and allows businesses a way to give more information to both current and potential customers than most traditional forms of advertising publications.
Potential customers can find what they are looking for through searching keywords, categories, and browsing. Businesses can now interact with their visitors and make promoting their goods and services an enjoyable experience for potential customers. Businesses can also use the internet to keep in touch with customers through newsletters, chat, and promotions on their websites.
There are many changes occuring in Online Advertising. Online advertising technology advances are being made everyday that enhance what visitors would like to see. One very amazing and recent change in online advertising is taking place in social networks. Online advertising websites are feeding these advertisements to social websites based on the interests that they are listing under their profiles. For example, if you have "movies" or "music" listed as a personal interest, you have probably seen more movie and music ads than any other type of ad. Interesting ...
Technology is changing the online advertising world. Sounds and effects are now being used to enhance ads. Pop-ups have become so irritating that no matter how attractive or appealing the ad may be, it wont receive attention. Besides, everyone has a pop-up blocker! There are now ads that change the background of the page you are viewing. Amazing!
On the flipside, online advertisers will now be able to choose when their ads would be displayed on the net. Thanks to digital advertising, it is becoming easier for online advertising companies to meet their customers' needs.
The internet is really changing advertising. Once you type "sore heel" on google, not only go you get information on what a sore heel is, how you cure it, how it is created but you also get ads that lead you to where you can purchase medicine and everything needed to cure a sore heel. Pre-internet, you would have had to depend on a doctor.

Feedback from Interviewees

Although I came into this project with an optimistic point of view, I did not actually think that I was going to be able to acquire quick responses from most of my interviewees. Coming into this project knowing that the key companies that I was trying to focus on in Online Adversising were Google and Yahoo, I was trying to be optimistic but I doubted that I will get in touch with anyone at these companies. I turned to LinkedIn and tried not to bother Professor O'Donnell with introductions since I knew he would be getting enough of those from about 20 other classmates. This is where having 11 other contacts becomes useful. Although my introductions to 6 out of the 8 attempted went through, only one person get back to me. I must say, I was a bit shocked that I actually received feedback from this person at Google but I really hoped to hear from everyone else. Since I did not hear back from most of the people that I contacted in the beginning, I went for those in smaller advertising companies. That worked out wonderfully. I actually received an extra response; I emailed six people and received four responses. Amazing!

Monday, April 9, 2007

Ideal Cable Provider

Coming from someone who does not watch much TV at all, DVR is more than enough. It is just perfect. You can pause, rewind, fast foward and schedule recordings that you can watch commercial-free later on. This saves so much time and eliminates those unnecessary and time-consuming commercials.
Someone who spends over 10 hours a week in front of a TV screen may demand more from their cable provider but who wants more than 1000+ channels? Not me. Honestly, as long as my TV can record my favorite shows every time they air and I can zoom past the commercials, I am more than happy.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Perfect Mobile Phone

My cell phone service provider is T-mobile and I must say that I'm a pretty content customer. I get a good amount of minutes with unlimited mobile-to-mobile, texting, pictures and video messaging, voicemail, internet, games, ringtones, etc. for one low monthly price. My calls don't drop frequesntly and I have service in most places. The only thing that I wish to eliminate about T-mobile is the frequent text messages that advertise new services or updates in the company. Although courteous, they can become very annoying. I honestly prefer to receive an email about thse sort of things.
I consider myself to be a pretty basic and simple cell phone user. As long as my phone can dial and text, I'm fine. I don't use the internet feautures or play with the games. I do not demand things like high-speed internet access and software portability on my phone. I do demand a small phone and a cheap plan that offers a decent amount of minutes and lets not forget: unlimited texting is a must-have.
Phones should definately be cheaper and taxes should not be so high. A $50 plan ends up being about $73 due to insurance, taxes and misc. fees. All phones should provide service overseas, even if it is more expensive. Individual texts should also be cheaper; free incoming as long as you're within the same network or packages where you can mix picture, video and text messages should be offered. Also, extra minutes should rollover to the next month, just like Cingular's "Rollover Minutes" plan or the money should be refunded. This will probably leave service providers with a lot less profit but it will definately bring more customers.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Social Networks - not so private after all.

Companies are now tracking down their current or potential employees via Myspace, Facebook or any other social networking website in order to see whether they are demonstrating behavior that is acceptable ... is this right?

I believe not. My personal opinion is that this is a violation of privacy on behalf of the corporation. If this employee has committed any sort of serious crime or misdemeanor, Human Resources will be able to report that. Now, I am not one to drink, smoke or do something that I may regret or perhaps not even remember the day after, but I do not judge those who do. Everyone is just trying to have a good time; whatever their definition of a "good time" is and whatever they do in order to have a good time is nobody's business but theirs and the ones who they chose to spend their time with. Whether or they choose to publish pictures of themselves having a "good time" on the net should not be a problem as long as it is not affecting the corporation they work for.

I believe that companies should keep out of their employees' personal lives. As long as they are satisfied with the workers performance and as this employee is not sabotaging or misrepresenting the company in some way, everything should be fine.

Saturday, March 24, 2007


Entrepreneurship ... such a pretty little word. As a Business Management major and daughter of business owners, it is no surprise that I have a fond interest in entrepreneurship. The idea of starting my own business and being my own boss brings more than a smile to my face and hope to my heart ... but it is much more complicated than it seems.
I'm convinced that I can do it but I do not have many ideas as to what type of business I would like to start. I will probably seek venture capital in order to raise capital to build the business, but that all depends on the type of organization. Thinking and planning about whether I would like to start a business alone or create a partnership is also a time-consuming activity that involves careful calculations. Since I would not like my business to be one of the many small businesses that fail every year, much thought and organization must go into it.
I always thought that placing a unisex hair salon in Fordham would be an excellent idea. There are only about 3 in the area and they are located past Arthur avenue. Therefore, our competition would be close to none. Placing a beauty salon on campus will be conveniently close for all students and I'm sure that it will bring great business.
NYC is full of entrepreneurs. A business is probably more likely to fail here than in any other state due to all of the competition out there. Good luck to all of those aspiring entrepreneurs - we're going to need it!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Overpriced CDs

I would like to comment on Black Owl's latest blog on Music Prices:

"Music cd’s should probably sell for about $5 to $7 dollars. How much does a fully packaged cd cost to print and deliver? $1? Less? Again, I can’t see how people wouldn’t well more music if it were less expensive. And pirate less."

Yes, artists make a ridiculous amount of money due to overpriced CDs, merchandise and concert tickets. Should CDs really be this expensive? Maybe they aren't really that expensive since most CDs have more to offer now. Many now include videos and interactive computer content, which costs more money to make and produce.

Maybe artists shouldn't be making more money than teachers or doctors who save lives, but this may just be an exchange for giving up their privacy, which is one thing that celebrities do not have anymore.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


What's my take on Limewire downloading? Yes, it is wrong - we've all heard it before, but I believe that those people who do it are doing it for a reason. If you think about it, doing the "right thing" can be pretty expensive. For example, when you buy an ipod, which is, on average $300; in order to enjoy it and actually put it to use, you must buy at least 500 songs, which will cost you an extra $500. This means that this $300 iPod is now costing you $800 ... and that's only for NOW because in a few weeks, I'm sure there will be new songs and new hits which you will want to buy as well. It will become an added expense that most people could easily illiminate, which is why most prefer the common commodity of limewire download. If the songs were cheaper or if iTunes offered certain packages to help users save money, there will probably be a decrease in limewire downloads for iPods, but until then, I believe that nothing will change ...

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Michael Techtmann's first post entitled Future Career Path was very interesting to me. I can't believe that he has already started his own company at such a young age. Pretzels, yummy! That is huge. I'm glad to see that his pretzel company is doing well and I hope that it will continue to do well. Good luck, Michael!

Successful Online Marketing

From time to time, I'll sit on my computer and read someone's blog. There actually three main ones that catch my attention, but this week, I found a specific blog posting very interesting. "Shoemoney" wrote a blog titled 9 Random Tips On Being A Successful Online Marketer. For someone like me, who is interested in online marketing, this is a wonderful list to go by. It is full of tips for successful online marketing, but it seemed more like good advice. One of my favorite things that he said was to embrace adversity and failure, "A lot of times Success can be CRIPPLING to people. You get lazy or comfortable. Many times Adversity can really be your best friend in hindsite. Failure is unfortunatly necessary evil on the way to success. You should expect to experience failure and while it can be frustrating aslong as you learn from the experience you can usually turn it into a positive event." Amazing!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Back to the Beginning

testing ... 1 2 3 ... here we go ...

I'm Jenny, born and raised in NYC, a CBA Junior mjoring in Business Management and minoring in Fasion Merchandising. I'm the Treasurer of the Commuting Student's Association, an organization on campus that has taught me so much about leadership, dedication and responsibility.

At this point in my life, I am testing the waters by gaining as much experience as possible via internships, programs and courses in order to figure out what it is that I would love to do, career-wise. I started working with my parents when I was about 12 years old. They're small business owners - accountants who own a tax and travel agency. I learned a great deal about accounting, travel and tourism and about business management by working with my parents throughout the years.

When I turned 17, I started college where I realized that there were other careers that I might be interested in. I figured that it was time to step into the real world - where I had to be interviewed in order to get a job. Majoring in Accounting would be taking the easy way out and so I chose, Business Management. I started working at Fordham University in the Office of Student Activities, where I was a Building Manager. I did budget managing for all of the clubs on campus along with event planning and customer service. I loved the job but I was only there for a year because I then realized that corporate America was waiting for me.

I applied for the Intern position at the Office of Marketing and Fashion Merchandising for Kenneth Cole, Perry Ellis and Mundi on Madison Avenue. I was hired as the Business/Fashion intern. I absolutely loved the job although I must admit that I could have taken on more responsibilities. By the summer came, I had two job offers: one as a full-time intern where I was at and had been at for the past 8 months and one as a full-time Jr. Budget Manager at the International Finance Department for the Wildlife Conservation Society. Tough decision, I know. I realized that although I had only been at the Office of Marketing and Fashion Merchandising for Kenneth Cole, Perry Ellis and Mundi for only 8 months, I knew so much about it and I had this experience to take with me. This other finance job was something new and exciting - and so I accepted. I have been there for almost a year now and I have learned more than I ever imagined. I would like to continue to further my experience in this area.

In one year, I hope to have already decided on a career path. Since one year from now, I will be only weeks away from graduation, I would like to have a few job offers by then, but of course, that's easier said than done! In 5 years, I would like to have my MBA. I also hope to have established a good position in a company where I would take pride in working in and for. In 10 years, I would like to have my own business.